People talk too much. As an introvert, spending too much time around an extrovert who just doesn’t know when to stop can be exhausting to me. I often think that’s why I enjoy working with animals (except parrots). This might come a shock to you, but dogs and humans don’t speak the same language. (If this wasn’t a shock, congratulations, you were paying attention to my previous post !) but when we, as humans, have a breakdown in communication, we tend to address that problem as we would with another human. This is not necessarily a bad thing – it tends to work out pretty well with members of our own species after all – but when miscommunication happens with our dogs and we treat them like humans in little fur coats, then the miscommunication perpetuates. And humans, even introverts, love to talk! We talk to each other. We talk to ourselves. We talk to our phones. We talk to our dogs. ...